Going into my senior year of University, I had never completed a substantial coding project. I wanted to work on something with computer vision and I had a lot of experience welding, so I decided to combine the two. I applied for and received $1300 from my universities makerspace to fund building an autonomous welding robot. The goal of the project was to build open source, accessible to anyone. Current robotic welding systems are expensive and proprietary, a low cost open source platform for autonomous welding could be beneficial for smaller welding shops trying to keep up with labor shortages and automate. I designed and built a CNC machine to use as the robot platform. The robot was controlled with an arduino using an open source project called GRBL and all components were off the shelf parts. On the software side I used OpenCV with Python paired with a single camera for the vision system. The final product used a solenoid operated unmodified off the shelf MIG which was able to successfully weld in 2.5D. I learned a lot during this project but I also learned how much I don't know (yet).