Newsletter #5

Trip Stats:
Total Days: 48
Total Miles Traveled: ~1204 miles
Breakdowns (*Mechanical*): 1.5
Gallons of Gas Purchased: ~12 gallons
Longest stretch with no showers: 6 days

Deerfield, NH

I spent a little under a week in Deerfield, NH visiting my Uncle Chris's wife's (Jennifer) sister Anne and her family. My cousin Lucy was also there visiting for the week. Anne picked me up from the side of the road and we loaded the moped in the back of the pickup truck and drove the rest of the way to Deerfield. Along the way we stopped at one of her friend Tim's places because he was a gearhead and had a multimeter that I wanted to use to further diagnose the dead moped. Tim was pretty drunk when we arrived, and was sitting in his bus RV conversion that he was working on. Tim was quite the character. To confirm the multimeter readings, he licked his finger and stuck it in the spark plug wire hole. I cranked over the engine and he let me know if he got shocked and how much it hurt. Tim's finger concurred with the multimeter readings, the CDI/coil most likely burnt out. I replaced the CDI/coil 2 years ago and that's about the life span that they have. I ordered a new one which came 4 days later, the bike started up immediately after being replacing.

I had a great time in Deerfield, I met Anne, Jim and their three boys Abe, Ben and Nathaniel. We went to a few swimming spots, the beach and spent a few days at their house in Vermont. I didn't get many pictures, but here's a picture of their massive wok we used one night.

Deerfield, NH to Danbury, CT

I left Deerfield at 7:30 AM, I had a long day ahead of over 215 miles of travel to Danbury. Assuming I was traveling at 30 MPH the entire trip and took no stops, it would take just over 7 hours. An hour into the day my rear tire blew out again, this time reinflating it did not work. Luckily I had this green goo that you put in the inner tube to seal leaks, I was quite skeptical about it working but it did hold up the rest of the trip. I made it to Danbury in about 12 longest day on the road yet. You might be wondering why it took almost twice as long, more mechanical issues of course. For some reason the bike would shudder violently when shifting from 1st to 2nd gear. If I blipped the throttle just right and was not going up any incline, I could avoid the shudder. So for any hill or incline I had to stay in first gear (~10 mph) which added significant time to the trip.

Danbury, CT to Long Island

In Danbury, I saw my Uncle Chris, Aunt Jennifer and I met Jennifer/Anne's father Eric. The next day I headed to Long Island to visit my friend Denis from University. I took the ferry across because I would rather not become roadkill in NYC. The trip was only ~30 miles, but it took me 2 hours to reach the ferry due to the transmission issues. I'll be staying on Long Island and visiting the city for the next week.